Denture Stabilisation in Shrewsbury

Whilst many full denture wearers are happy, most will admit that they would like their dentures to be more stable, especially the lower denture.

At New Park House our advanced denture construction techniques can be combined with as little as 2 or 4 dental implants to create very stable dentures that are also affordable.

Implant retained dentures have the following main benefits:

  1. Vastly increased stability to help you eat, speak and smile with confidence
  2. Dental implant can help to prevent further jawbone loss

What are the stages in implant supported denture treatment?

1. Consultation
At New Park House we make every effort to understand what our patients want from their dental treatment so that we can aim to exceed their expectations. Our dentists will explain your all your different treatment options, allowing you to make informed and educated decisions.

2. Digital Planning
The huge advantages in technology have meant that we can plan implant denture cases with incredible accuracy.

To be a suitable for implant treatments you need enough healthy bone to anchor an implant. Radiographs and CBCT scans show bone quality and quantity. If there is not enough bone, there are often options to build up bone again. Check out our high-end technology here.

For denture stabilisation you will require a minimum of 4 dental implants in the upper jaw and 2 dental implants in the lower jaw

3. Denture construction
Whilst we can sometime a use your existing dentures, new dentures are normally required. At New Park House we utilise the latest denture making techniques, materials and a knowledge of smile design to provide you with dentures that are more secure and better looking - and this is before your implants are even placed!

4. Implant placement
On the day of implant placement we carefully make an incision into the gum and the implant is inserted into the bone. This may be done under local anesthesia but may also be performed with conscious sedation if requested.

On top of the implant we may place a healing abutment. This helps to shape your gums during healing.

Your implants are then normally left to integrate with the jaw bone for 8-12 weeks

5. Denture stabilisation
The implants are then attached to your dentures by retentive studs or a bar. The denture is now very stable but can still be removed for cleaning or the denture and implants. This is crucial to ensure long term success.

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